FREE Online Networking Education

Business Networking and Word of Mouth Referrals are the future of business! The collected articles on this website are free to use in your own networking or as education for your networking group. All I ask is if you use my work in public you tell people where you got it from and give me a plug.


Nobody Is Born A Networker

But you can learn

People who have a talent for networking understand the simple activities, that when applied actively, become a ‘word of mouth’ marketing toolkit to be used as and when needed.

I hope that this material will help you to learn and understand that effective networking is about activity and action, not just turning up to a weekly meeting.

The programme is designed to be quick to understand and easy to implement. The lessons represent building blocks of daily activity you can use to improve your skills as a networker. The modules will teach you, how to become more referable, how to build a strong network and most importantly, how to find business for other people.

Be More Effective

Become Referrable

I am Tony Allwood. I started writing the material in this programme initially to help myself.

Over the years I kept writing and eventually, it turned first into a book and then into this website.

I am adding to the programme every week as I learn more about networking myself and try to pass on my experience.